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We enable scale-up technology companies to access funding

We connect you with our local, national and international financial & industrial networks

There is a well-documented lack of risk capital for scale-ups in the UK, especially in the levelling-up regions.  We have identified and engaged with world leading high-growth scale-ups who are collectively looking to raise in excess of £1bn.

Our scale-up technology company clients are riding the wave of a rapidly growing global market opportunity with products and services that represent outstanding value propositions.  They are making repeat sales and in order to maximise value they now need additional investment to scale up their manufacturing and commercial operations and for working capital.

These companies tend to be based in the UK's industrial heartlands where premises, facilities and skills are readily available at lower cost, but scale-up capital is not!


Generally scale-ups are looking for too large an amount of funding for most traditional venture capital funds and are too financially immature for Private Equity funds. 


- They are in the scale-up funding gap - 

We have a track record in identifying national and international investors for scale-ups.


We also have strong links with other helpful regional and national actors including government and their supporting agencies as well as the investment banking community

Image by ThisisEngineering RAEng
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